Jill and Robert continue their interesting conversation about the art and science of photography and image making. Underwater photography, topside, and the future of digital photography.
Photography – From Film to Digital
Jill and Robert share their stories of decades working as pro photographers.
Climate Change Cruise – Ep.56
Jill and Robert discuss Climate Change and a recent cruise witnessing melting glaciers in Alaska. Jill calls on younger generations to action. This podcast is also on Youtube at: https://youtu.be/GLvjYev5qL0
James Cameron, Dr. Joe MacInnis and Mentoring

Jill spent a day at the RCGS HQ with James Cameron, Dr. Joe MacInnis and other exploration luminaries. Several years ago Jill took James Cameron cave diving in Florida as he developed advanced underwater cinema techniques and equipment. We discuss what mentoring meant to Cameron’s success and encourage mentoring today.
Jill Heinerth and the “X-PRIZE”
Jill Heinerth is on the X-PRIZE team and shares her insights about the organization’s work to help improve people’s lives, encourage creative thinking, and save the planet. All this and Hallmark Christmas movies!!! Send us your X-Prize ideas at IntoThePlanet.com

Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion in Scuba Diving
Jill Heinerth and Robert McClellan discuss Diversity, Equality and Inclusion: no matter a person’s race, ethnicity, gender, sex, religion, sexuality, politics or abilities, Scuba Diving is an activity they can safely enjoy in our community.
Technical Issues Have Been Resolved
You may have noticed that several podcast episodes have not posted to this site. You may have been met with a “Critical Error” message. Well, Robert sorted this out and a hammer may or may not have been deployed. Anyway, all good now and future episodes will be posted here again! Thanks.
Lanier Phillips and Diving the Wreck of the USS Truxtun

Jill Heinerth tells the remarkable story of African-American sailor Lanier Phillips, one of the few survivors of the World War-Two wreck of the USS Truxtun at Chambers Cover, St. Lawrence, Newfoundland. Jill dived on the wrecks of the Truxtun and USS Pollux as part of the recent Great Island Expedition

The Great Island Expedition to Newfoundland – Ep. 51
Jill and Robert on The Great Island Expedition team Newfoundland.
(Video Below)
A team of divers supported by the Royal Canadian Geographical Society (RCGS), the Shipwreck Preservation Society of Newfoundland & Labrador and Ocean Quest Adventures have confirmed the discovery of a WWII-era B-24 Liberator Bomber that crashed upon take-off on September 4, 1943, into Gander Lake, Newfoundland with four souls aboard.
Using state-of-the-art underwater imaging equipment, the team of highly experienced divers from the Canada, the United States, and France, completed a survey dive on September 5, 2022, in the cold, tannic waters of Gander Lake. The video and images confirmed an earlier 3D sonar scan from July 2022.
Divers found the aircraft oriented upside-down on a steep ledge nearly 50 meters below the surface. Previous search and salvage efforts conducted by military divers at the time of the 1943 crash were abandoned due to extremely dangerous conditions. The aircraft, dubbed “Liberator 589D” has remained undisturbed since.
Diving Ottawa River Caves and Our Next Newfoundland Project
Jill and Robert with a mid-summer update on the Ottawa River caves where Jill is assisting a team of Canadian Fisheries and Oceans scientists with important ecosystem research. And a preview of the upcoming Newfoundland expedition documenting WWII wrecks and some new discoveries. More at www.IntoThePlanet.com