Jill Heinerth is named the Honorary Ottawa Riverkeeper of 2024. Her acceptance speech and more info is at THE EXPLORER’S MINDSET.
Tag: scuba
Predictions 2024 – Strolling Into the New Year Ep. 63
Yes, we went for a stroll along the Mississippi River (NOT THAT Mississippi) and discussed our predictions about the world for 2024. From AI to exploration and scuba diving, we share our vision of the next year. Happy New Year! Please subscribe and visit Jill’s website at Into The Planet.
Technical Issues Have Been Resolved
You may have noticed that several podcast episodes have not posted to this site. You may have been met with a “Critical Error” message. Well, Robert sorted this out and a hammer may or may not have been deployed. Anyway, all good now and future episodes will be posted here again! Thanks.
Jill and Young Ocean Professional Kayla Martin – Saving the Planet
Jill and young marine scientist Kayla Martin talk underwater photography, video, technical scuba diving and basically how young people will save the planet. Kayla’s website : http://loveofdiving.com

Snow Squalls, Valerie “Shark Lady” Taylor, Thai Cave Rescue and Awards
We almost recorded this episode outside! Jill shares her film festival experience with “Playing With Sharks” about shark lady Valerie Taylor and “The Rescue” documentary with Richard “Harry” Harris. And, although well-earned, sometimes receiving awards can be kind of tricky. Episode 46.

Things You Did Not Know About Jill
From acclaimed underwater explorer and documentary TV presenter to trans-continental cyclist and accidental chef, here are a few things you never knew about 30-year overnight sensation Jill Heinerth. People have a perception about Jill’s life that may or may not fit reality. Moments of pure adrenaline and wondrous beauty are frequently punctuated with tough logistics and the reality of making end’s meet.
Cold Weather Diving, Copyright for Creators and Underwater Ice Hockey
Jill gives her tips for cold weather diving, including what gear to wear and how to safely use suit, glove and foot heaters. Jill and Robert explain why they create all the music for their creative projects because of tight copyright regulations. Oh, and a bit about how to set up an underwater ice hockey game!
Jill’s Advanced Boat Training and More Covid for the Holidays
Jill travels to Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada for advanced commercial vessel boat training and gets in the dunk tank. Robert and Jill share a bit about their recent cave diving trip to Florida, USA. And they discuss complacency and normalization of deviance regarding Covid-19 precautions. All this, and pens in the ears on this episode!

Tips For Traveling With Scuba and Camera Gear
After a long hiatus, we are travelling to dive and shoot underwater videos again! JIll shares travel tips and tricks she’s learned from a long career flying around the world with lots of photo, video, and scuba diving gear.