Trump 2.0 begins and Jill and Robert share their thoughts on staying optimistic and how a second Trump administration may influence every day life in the U.S. and Canada. Recorded from Portugal on mobile device.
Author: Robert McClellan
2025 Predictions
Jill and Robert with a look back at 2024 and predictions for 2025.
Snow Days, Holidays, and Artificial Intelligence
AI For Good – AI Maestro Jill at Your Service Ep. 75
Artificial Intelligence for good. AI Maestro Jill was previewed at the Diving Into The Darkness screenings at Sydney, Australia. AI Jill Heinerth is programmed to answer your questions, educate, encourage and inspire you! Coming soon!
The Future of Expedition Travel – Ep. 74
Chasing The Oracle
Chasing The Oracle – An Audio Story of an Expedition to the Lawless Egyptian-Libyan Desert in Search of Alexander the Great
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Authenticity – What Is Real?
Tracy Chapman – Authentic singer on physical media on Jill’s shelf.
What is real? What is authentic? In this short audio podcast, Robert continues his one-man Boomer crusade against singers who use excessive processing and autotune on their vocal tracks. (Ugh…he sings!) Also – Jill’s comments about Photoshop and AI post-processing applied to underwater photography. They share their love for authentic experiences and encourage young people to interact with their peers in real life. Jill spent the weekend with remarkable young people presenting at the Our World Underwater Scholarship Society – which gave her great hope and optimism for the future.
Subscribe for free to Jill’s weekly newsletter: The Explorer’s Mindset
Jill Named Honorary Ottawa Riverkeeper
Jill Heinerth is named the Honorary Ottawa Riverkeeper of 2024. Her acceptance speech and more info is at THE EXPLORER’S MINDSET.
Artificial Intelligence – Ep. 68

Artificial Intelligence has entered the chat. The media is full of articles about advanced AI applications and how it will soon touch every aspect of modern life. Love it or hate it – it’s going to change the way we interact with our digital devices. But fear not – AI has been embedded in everything from our smart phones to our kitchen appliances, and so far our refrigerators have not organized a robot rebellion. So far.
Jill and Robert discuss how AI has been assisting underwater explorers and what the future looks like when intelligent, robotic digital “personalities” are a common part of daily life.
As we discussed on the podcast, here’s a link to a special online preview of Diving Into The Darkness