Robert McClellan and Jill Heinerth on the streets of Montreal
The Into The Planet Podcast began in 2014 as an hour-long radio magazine show on Art Bell’s DMDN Network. After Art’s passing, the network changed formats and the podcast was independently produced and distributed on most major podcast platforms.
This is the 3.0 version of Into The Planet, hosted by Jill Heinerth and Robert McClellan and produced in Ontario, Canada.
JILL HEINERTH is one of the world’s premiere underwater explorers, and the first person to have dived inside Antarctic icebergs. According to filmmaker James Cameron, “More people have walked on the moon than have been to some of the places Jill Heinerth has gone right here on earth.” An acclaimed polar explorer, cave diver, author, public speaker, filmmaker and climate advocate, Jill is the first-ever Explorer-in-Residence of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society. She is the inaugural recipient of the RCGS Sir Christopher Ondaatje Medal for Exploration and was recognized by the Governor General with the prestigious Polar Medal.
Often one of the only women on the team, Jill continues her activities as an acclaimed explorer, leading expeditions into extreme environments to advance scientific and geographic knowledge. Her expeditions have been documented and broadcast on the BBC, PBS, Discovery Channel, and most recently on CBC’s The Nature of Things with David Suzuki – Under Thin Ice episode. Jill is an inaugural member of the Women Divers Hall of Fame. In 2020 Jill received the William Beebe award for ocean exploration bestowed by the Explorer’s Club and was inducted into the International Scuba Divers Hall of Fame.
Jill is the author of the best selling book “Into The Planet”, and her recently published children’s book “The Aquanaut” has been chosen by Dolly Parton to be included in Dolly’s Imagination Library.
Jill’s public speaking presentations are fast-paced, exciting multi-media events that have audiences engaged and on the edge of their seats. Learn more about booking Jill here.
ROBERT MC CLELLAN is an acclaimed writer, editor, and media expert. He combines a lifetime of creative dexterity with a contemporary skill set. Jill often says that if she “didn’t marry Robert, I’d have to hire him…”
A former talk radio host, Robert has a number of professional podcasts and blogs to his credit. He created and hosts the popular “Real Sobriety Podcast” and is the Producer of the Into The Planet Podcast. He wrote, produced, and appears in the award-winning documentary films “Real Sobriety,” and “Ben’s Vortex.” He is the co-creator of the environmental call to action, “We Are Water Project.”
Robert’s recent books include Boom Baby Boom, Leaving Trump’s America, and Sober Bob’s Bathroom Book. All are available on Amazon.